Pillars: Paul – The Heart of the Apostle Paul

Pillars: Paul – The Heart of the Apostle Paul

The Apostle Paul in his epistles set an example for us of a life devoted to service – service to Christ and to Christ’s kingdom.  Today we’ll discover how our hearts can turn towards Jesus.

Observations and Conclusions: 

  1. The Lord searches the heart and examines the mind. 
  2. He will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you.
  3. Before his conversion, Paul put his confidence in the flesh.
  4. After his conversion, Paul found earth gains to be a loss.
  5. Living in the body means fruitful labor.
  6. “To live is Christ, and to die is gain.”


For death to be gain…

  1. You need a new heart
    1. Repent and turn from your sins
    2. Accept God’s cleansing forgiveness
    3. Follow the leadership of the Spirit and the instruction of the Word
  2. Make it your goal to know Jesus
  3. Invest in the eternal