Holy Nudges

Holy Nudges

Have you ever heard the voice of God, not an audible voice, but that quiet soft still voice that leads you towards serving God and in so becoming more like Jesus Christ?

This morning we will give definition to that voice in the person of the Holy Spirit and we will give identification to those moments called “Holy Nudges” as we continue in our series in Proverbs studying messages from Pastor Dave.

Where wisdom calls
1-3 – The CALL of Wisdom
Who wisdom calls to
4-5 – The AUDIENCE for Wisdom
What wisdom says
6-9 – The QUALITY of Wisdom
Why should you listen to wisdom?
10-11 -The WORTH of Wisdom


  1. Listen – to His Word & for the Spirit’s leading
  2. Ask – for wisdom, and believe when He speak
  3. Learn – the mind of God, by renewing your mind through the Word
  4. Act – “go to that room” / “make that phone call” / let them know you love them”

Proverbs 8:10-11 (NIV)

“Choose my instruction instead of silver,
knowledge rather than choice gold,
for wisdom is more precious than rubies,
and nothing you desire can compare with her.”

What is God telling you today?