A Reminder for God’s People – Part 2

A Reminder for God’s People – Part 2

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Is the sacrifice of Jesus Christ enough?  Or does God require something from us to make salvation possible?  The answer to this question will ultimately reveal where glory is given.  

If God only offers salvation, but does not actually effect salvation in the heart of the believer, then thanks be to God that we chose Him… unless of course the scriptures teach that no one chooses God.  If salvation is work of God alone, and faith is a gift offered to us in that salvation, then it holds that God alone receives the glory.  This is the core emphasis of what the Apostle Paul is teaching the Philippians in the command, “Rejoice in the Lord.” 



1. The Christian’s heart is ruled by Jesus

2. The Christian’s marching orders come from the Spirt 


3. The Christian boasts in Jesus alone

4. The Christian puts no confidence in the flesh 


5. The Christian’s inherited righteousness is empty 

6. The Christian’s earned righteousness is bankrupt 


7. The Christian finds riches in knowing Christ

8. The Christian relinquishes all worldly accolades


9. The Christian’s right standing is a gift from God

10. The Christian’s salvation is by faith in Christ 


1. The best you can do on earth merits you nothing

2. God’s love you is not conditioned on your ability

3. Our perspective must shift from seeking safety now to seeking salvation there


Rejoice in the Lord

1. Where do you find fulfillment, satisfaction, and joy?

2. What is your prime focus?

3. Is Jesus your Lord?