Sermon Archive (Page 41) Purpose: The Church as Manifestation of the Spirit October 31, 2016 Pastor Ryan Flunker The Church Purpose of the Church 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians Purpose: The Church as Minister October 23, 2016 Pastor Ryan Flunker The Church Purpose of the Church 2 Corinthians, Philippians Purpose: Church as Missionary – Part 2 October 16, 2016 Pastor Ryan Flunker The Church Purpose of the Church 2 Corinthians Purpose: Church as Missionary – Part 1 October 9, 2016 Pastor Ryan Flunker The Church Purpose of the Church 2 Corinthians Purpose: The Church as Member of One Body October 2, 2016 Pastor Ryan Flunker Family, The Church Purpose of the Church 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians Purpose: The Church as Messenger September 25, 2016 Pastor Ryan Flunker Salvation, The Church, The Gospel Purpose of the Church 2 Corinthians Caution: Greed September 18, 2016 Pastor Ryan Flunker Sin, Spiritual Growth Caution: Let the Body Beware Luke Caution: Doctrinal Divisions September 12, 2016 Pastor Ryan Flunker Spiritual Growth Caution: Let the Body Beware Romans Caution: Unforgiveness September 4, 2016 Pastor Ryan Flunker Salvation, Sin, Spiritual Growth Caution: Let the Body Beware Matthew Caution: Religion August 18, 2016 Pastor Ryan Flunker Salvation, Sin Caution: Let the Body Beware Matthew
Purpose: The Church as Manifestation of the Spirit October 31, 2016 Pastor Ryan Flunker The Church Purpose of the Church 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians
Purpose: The Church as Minister October 23, 2016 Pastor Ryan Flunker The Church Purpose of the Church 2 Corinthians, Philippians
Purpose: Church as Missionary – Part 2 October 16, 2016 Pastor Ryan Flunker The Church Purpose of the Church 2 Corinthians
Purpose: Church as Missionary – Part 1 October 9, 2016 Pastor Ryan Flunker The Church Purpose of the Church 2 Corinthians
Purpose: The Church as Member of One Body October 2, 2016 Pastor Ryan Flunker Family, The Church Purpose of the Church 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians
Purpose: The Church as Messenger September 25, 2016 Pastor Ryan Flunker Salvation, The Church, The Gospel Purpose of the Church 2 Corinthians
Caution: Greed September 18, 2016 Pastor Ryan Flunker Sin, Spiritual Growth Caution: Let the Body Beware Luke
Caution: Doctrinal Divisions September 12, 2016 Pastor Ryan Flunker Spiritual Growth Caution: Let the Body Beware Romans
Caution: Unforgiveness September 4, 2016 Pastor Ryan Flunker Salvation, Sin, Spiritual Growth Caution: Let the Body Beware Matthew
Caution: Religion August 18, 2016 Pastor Ryan Flunker Salvation, Sin Caution: Let the Body Beware Matthew