Past Events (Page 10)

Past Events (Page 10)


NOTE:  CURRENTLY DATE NIGHT IS POSTPONED.  Once a month we offer free babysitting at church so young married couples can go on a date!  Please call Dawn McDonald to arrange ahead of time for the child care (906-396-4109).  Children are to be dropped off at church between 5:30-6:00pm and picked up between 8:00-8:30pm. Enjoy your time together!

National Day of Prayer

Thursday, May 7 is the National Day of Prayer.  Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, we are not meeting in person as previously planned, but all are encouraged to pray individually.  There are a number of live events planned nationally throughout the day, including on the National Day of Prayer’s Facebook page.  As we continue to look to God for His provision and…

Youth Group Pizza Sale Fundraiser POSTPONED

* Beginning  on Sunday, March 22 you can place your order for freshly-made pizzas!  Our youth group will be making pizzas at their annual Lock-In on April 24 to raise money to attend the “One Church Festival” in Escanaba in August. * Unfortunately, due to the CDC restrictions on gatherings, the pizza sales and the Lock-in have been postponed.  See Jessica…

Lenten Service on April 1 CANCELED

Grace Presbyterian alternates with First Lutheran and Cornerstone churches in Iron Mountain this Lenten season for weekly Wednesday evening services and soup suppers.  The locations are below, with services beginning at 5:30pm, and soup supper fellowship to follow at approx. 6:15pm.  (The exception is on March 25th with the Sagola Community Meal at 5:30pm and service at…

Area Youth Group at Lake Ellen

E3 is a once per month gathering at Lake Ellen Camp for all youth in grades 7-12.  For this school year the teaching is the “Kleer Series” which are videos of short clips that help engage conversations about today’s culture and spiritual application.  Each E3 event features fellowship, great activities, and a snack.  Bring a friend! Upcoming dates…

Jr. High Gathering

On Sunday, January 19 we meet at church at 1:00-3:00pm.  All 5th through 8th grade students are encouraged to come.  Any questions call Jessica Schultz at 906-221-2309.

Walk of Life Baby Shower

On Sunday January 12th, after the worship service, there will be a special baby shower!  The Walk of Life Pregnancy Services Center supports women and babies locally who confidentially receive spiritual, emotional, and material support.  If you feel led, please bring your unwrapped donations (or monetary donations) to church on Jan. 12.  The list of items needed is below.…

Women of Grace – Book Club

“Sacred Holidays” by Becky Kiser helps us make our holidays “sacred” by focusing less on the chaos and more on JESUS.  Let’s be women who help other women find the same sacred holidays!  The book club will meet monthly on Tuesday evenings from 6:00-7:30pm at Grace Presbyterian Church.  The book is available for $5.  Any questions contact…

Wreath-Making Workshop

Make a 12″ Greenery Wreath (pines and cedar) on Monday, November 18th with Jorga Stewart.  Two sessions are offered:  2:00pm or 6:00pm – please sign up at the back counter.  Fee is $20, of which $15 will go to our Building Fund.  The location is at Jorga’s house: 640 Old 69 Road, Crystal Falls, MI (Mansfield Township).  Jorga’s phone: 906-284-3712.…

Fall Offering

Twice a year we have an offering opportunity to help pay for our Children’s Ministry Addition.  On Sunday, October 27 we are having our Harvest Offering.  Thank you for helping our church pay down our loan with a special gift, as we thank God for His provision for our church family.