Mexico – Summer Missions Trip

Mexico – Summer Missions Trip

This being our church’s first trip to this location in Mexico there were a lot of unknowns. It funny how your imagination can run wild with hypotheticals in the absence of experience, and perhaps the greatest test was if the team was going to even get on the airplane at all! However, everyone from Grace who signed up followed the Lord’s leading by faith, and at every turn, those imaginary fears were laid to rest.

We were able to host VBS time with the children from the village and run some softball and soccer camps. The construction work involved completing the next stage of work on the mission housing, which all got completed. And one of the biggest take-aways from this trip was seeing in action the unique gifting of the Spirit present in every member’s contribution to the service week.

Everyone had a role to play and everyone benefited from the mutual service of the whole. Special thanks to Luz, our resident Spanish speaker, without you we might not have made it through immigration!