Fishing Derby

Fishing Derby

The 2023 Grace Kids Fishing Derby was a blessed one. The weather was supreme and the fellowship was better. Although the fishing was slow, the kids grinded it out and managed to put some fish on the board. This year was a thriller. Zeke Holsworth landed a whopper bluegill and when the clock struck noon – Zeke led the pack. But after the crowd had left our very own Maggie Adams was not ready to give up. She pulled in a lunker largemouth bass and did it on a fly rod!! After consulting Zeke, he agreed that Maggie was worthy of the 1st place prize. So this year we will have Co-champions.
  • 1st place – Maggie Adams and Zeke Holsworth
  • 2nd place – Ezra Holsworth
  • 3rd place – Brooks Nygard
  • “The One That Got Away Award” Landon
  • “Swimmers Itch Award” Eli Adams