A brand new ministry here at Grace is in replacement of our long running Food Pantry.With continued partnership with our brothers and sisters from St. Roses in Channing, we have asked each member to weekly bring in a food item for giving away to folks in our local community.
Along with the regular items, we are blessed to send cards and little other “goodies” of love in each of the baskets as they are hand delivered to the doorsteps of those we are blessed to serve.
This coming holiday season we’re asking for individuals to donate a turkey or ham, and after just one announcement in Sunday morning service we already have more to give away than we have homes to deliver to on our list!
We are so blessed to have the privilege of giving and in a little over 2 weeks we’ve filled our giving baskets twice!Although this rate is probably not sustainable, we want to offer a great big thank you to everyone who has so generously given to help feed those in our local community!
Matthew 7:7-8
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”